Inside look at the priest retreat in France

Here is a more “inside” look at what our brothers enjoyed during their retreat together in Châteauneuf de Galaure, France.

The video is in French but one of our dear sisters was kind enough to write up a short summary of what the video is all about for those who do not understand French.

Silence, teachings, adoration, personal time, and fraternal time were the ingredients of a week-long retreat dedicated to priests, preached by 2 French bishops: Msgr. Dominique Rey and Msgr. Yves Le Saux.

“We need priests that are men first so they can be sons. They cannot be fathers if they are not sons in the first place”, says Msgr. Rey in the video. “Priests need to be fathers in a missionary way, giving all to Christ.”

Joy and fraternity seem obvious as we watch the video. The Emmanuel Community priests were accompanied in this retreat by lay members of the Community, because one of the characteristics of the Emmanuel is to gather priests, lay and consecrated brothers and sisters, “all for the mission” explains Laurent Landete, Moderator of the Community who also attended this meeting.

One of our American priests, Andrew Brinkman (Minnesota) explains, in French (with a perfect accent!), that daily times of praise give him a lot of joy. All our priests based in the USA have been able to attend and we expect that they can tell us more about this experience.

The video also shows Marthe Robin’s house and especially her bedroom where she was bedridden for more than 50 years but where so many graces where poured onto her visitors, including many personal conversions.

Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981) is a French Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul and Foundress of the Foyer de Charité. If you would like to learn more, please visit the following website:

Written by: Marilys (NY)

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