We are the only brothers in our area right now. We have weekly prayer and…

In the USA, there are more than 120 brothers and sisters in the Emmanuel Community, located in 17 states from New England to Florida to California. Scroll the page further down to see more details about each local community, along with specific contact information.
Internationally, Emmanuel Community is present on every continent (except Antarctica), in over 100 countries. The largest number of members and the “Core” of the Community is in France. Click here for the official international website of the Emmanuel Community: http://emmanuel.info/en/
For general questions, go to the Contact Us page. To contact specific regions, click on a marker on the map, or check contact information in the Regional Communities section below.
Welcome to Georgia! The Emmanuel Community of Georgia is an amazingly culturally diverse community. We…
The Emmanuel community in New York consists of a small group of Catholics from international origins praying and praising together on a regular basis. We have a monthly gathering open to everyone and it will be a pleasure to meet you there.