Last June, our family got together with Fr. Sean Maher and had a wonderful time celebrating Mass and sightseeing in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. From the young bear that showed up on the grounds of the church before Mass to crossing the narrow rope bridge at the mountainside park, we have a great memory of that time together sharing the beauty of God’s creation. Memories like this have been comforting to us at different moments during the year when we’ve felt alone and far from everyone else.
We want to encourage you all, our brothers and sisters, to stay in contact with one another. Summertime is a great time to strengthen the fraternal bond that unites us. Pull out your calendar and write in some time with others on your summer schedule. Even if you don’t have vacation time or the means to travel, a phone call or a quick visit with a friend will help everyone feel more connected.
Colleen (MA)
This is such a simple, but important message! Thank you, Colleen, for sharing this.