Bishop Dominique Rey visits New York!

In February of this year, Bishop Dominique Rey, of the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon in France visited the Emmanuel brothers and sisters in New York.

He was able to celebrate Mass at the French parish of Notre Dame in New York. Later the New York community was able to gather together with him and share lunch and a time of praise. He also had the brothers and sisters write a letter to God expressing their gratitude toward him. Immediately after he had them write another letter “as God” answering the first letter. All the replies “from God” were then mixed up and distributed randomly.

When asked of the outcome of this small exercise a sister replied: “It was moving!” The Holy Spirit, once again, goes straight to the heart and knows exactly what each brother and sister needs to read.

Bishop Rey is originally a priest of the Emmanuel Community. As one of the original members of the community he continues to keep in touch with the community and visit brothers and sisters during his travels.

Written by: Sabine (NY)

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