New household in Southeast Michigan!

On Friday, April 25, a few brothers and sisters met for the first time in Southeast Michigan (Rochester) to praise and share; something we refer to as household in the Emmanuel Community.

photo (8)Alejandra (Chile-USA) and her husband David (USA) and Eric Olivier (Ivory Coast) got together and were able to live the graces of the Emmanuel Community through some time of praise, invoking the Holy Spirit and sharing about what the Lord has been doing in their lives, particularly through His Word and through the gift of Evangelization.

Eric Olivier met the community in NYC many years ago. This brought him to meet Rosemary and Denis Leblond. It was not until years later, during the recent passing of our dear brother Denis, at which time Eric drove all the way to Allentown for his funeral, that he was reunited with many brothers and sisters after 7 years. It was here that he found out that we were living in Michigan.

It has been a gift to finally meet our brother and to finally have this opportunity to be able to live the graces of sharing as brothers and sisters. We thank Denis for his constant intercession and for the gift of welcoming brothers and sisters where ever we are.


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Emmanuel Community, Inc
559 Pelham Manor Road
Pelham Manor, NY 10803


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