The Triduum with Emmanuel in the US

Dear brothers and sisters,

We wish you all a blessed Triduum!  We are fortunate, in the Emmanuel Community, to have several priests in the US, and they are all offering, through their parishes, opportunities to follow the Triduum liturgy remotely. We’ve listed them all below, with times for services and links to join.  The great blessing of this difficult time is that we can be in community and live the liturgy with our priests when we typically couldn’t have.

We remain united in prayer with all of you as we follow our Lord through his passion to the joy of the resurrection.

In Christ,
Paul and Camille Leblond


Fr Andrew and Fr Kevin in St Paul, Minnesota (Central Time Zone)
Our Lady of Guadalupe

Schedule (all times Central Time Zone)

Holy Thursday
7pm (Adoration after Mass until Midnight)

Good Friday:
3pm Veneration of the Cross

Holy Saturday:
8pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday:
9am Mass English; 11am Mass Spanish

Fr Thomas and Fr Frankie in Larchmont, New York (Eastern Time Zone)
St John and Paul

Live Streams will be available from Facebook:
And Youtube:

Holy Thurs:

Good Friday: 3 pm

Easter Vigil: 7 pm

Easter Morning: Mass. 10 am

Daily fireside chat

Fr Sean in Dracut, Massachusetts (Eastern Time Zone)
St Francis
Facebook –
YouTube –

Schedule (all times EST)

Holy Thursday:
9am Morning Prayer
7pm Mass of the Lord’s Upper

Good Friday
9am Morning Prayer
Noon Stations of the Cross
3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet
7pm Passion of the Lord

Holy Saturday:
9am Morning Prayer
8pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday:
10:30am Mass

Fr Sean also invites all of us to send family photos or individual photos, taken anywhere! Send us one you already have or take one today or tomorrow. They will print them out and you will all be “seated” in the St. Francis Pews for our Live Stream Masses (the Vigil and Easter Sunday at 10:30am).  So, while you may not be physically in the pews this year, you will be spiritually — and your images will surround our clergy celebrating Mass. DEADLINE TODAY 4/9 — Send your photos to Debbie ASAP at


Fr Paul and Fr Charles (remote from Ireland and France)
Holy Thursday:
9pm French Time – 3pm EST The Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday:
3pm French Time – 9am EST Stations of the Cross
6:30pm French Time – 12:30pm EST. Office of the Passion

Holy Saturday:
9 pm French Time – 3pm EST  Easter Vigil

In French with Community in Quebec: Fr Brice, Fr Alexandre and Fr Martin

St Thomas d’Aquin

Schedule (all times EST)


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US Office Address:
Emmanuel Community, Inc
559 Pelham Manor Road
Pelham Manor, NY 10803


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