The Internet, neo-paganism and the Community of Saints

In our own home, where we try to create as St John Paul II named it a small domestic church, it seems that nothing can stop the flow of bad stuff from the whole world. Whether they look for it or not, as soon as they go on the Internet our own children receive harsh criticism against our Mother Church, atheistic declarations of all kind, liberal views expressed in many ways… Most incredible is neo-paganism and its professions of faith.

The line of reasoning is clear: whatever was done by the Christians, they destroyed the primitive harmony of Mother Earth, the “God of the Jews” replaced the good feminine deities and impone male power on humanity… Just like the communist rhetoric would rethink the past, the present and the future in a certain way, the new feminist-paganistic ideology rethinks everything and demonstrates that whatever you have in mind, if you are a christian you are wrong (and guilty). Hundreds of websites, blogs, messages from every continent are creating night and day a powerful network of lies and hate, dissimulated behind love of pure springs and respect for the full moon.

Facing such opponents requires special help. On November 1st, we were reminded of the huge army of the Saints who are at work to support us. On November 2d, we are called to enlarge it to millions of souls who humbly opened their hearts to God’s love and made their way to Holiness (even if nobody knows). The Community of Saints is the most powerful network ever: we can rely on this most beautiful mystery to help us stay faithful in every aspect of our life.

From the farthest malicious website to the deep heart of our home, come Holy Spirit, through the example and intercession of those who already share in the Joy!

Laure (DC)


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