John Paul II Training Center – Georgia

The Emmanuel Community, along with FIDESCO, a missionary program run by the community have a “mission” to serve the poor in Gainesville, GA. Here is just a small sampling of what they accomplish together at the  “John Paul II Training Center”. The center is run by community members along side locals and Fidesco Volunteers. These are JUST the food bank numbers. The center has many other outreach/evangelization programs in place that care of the surrounding poor and marginalized. To find out more about the center and how you can help, please visit their their website:

The John Paul II Training Center Food Pantry Report Date: June 2014

A. Food Pantries:
1. Total number of households served during the past month: 202
2. Total number of persons served during the past month: 896
3. Total number of children served during the past month: 418
4. Total number of senior citizens served during the past month: 12
5. Total number of pounds of food distributed in the past month: 9064

B-1. On Premise/Congregate Feeding Programs:
1. Total number of individuals fed during the past month: 0

B-2. On Premise/Congregate Feeding Programs:
1. Total number of breakfasts served: 0
2. Total number of lunches served: 0
3. Total number of dinners served: 0
4. Total number of snacks served: 0
5. Total number of brown-bag meals provided: 0
6. Total number of home delivered meals provided: 0
Total: 0

C-1. Capacity
1. Did you turn anyone away this month? No

C-2. Capacity: 0
1. Enter the number of people you could not serve due to availability of food: 0

D. Ethnicity-please enter the number of people in each group served:
1. African-American: 25
2. Asian
3. Hispanic: 727
4. White: 142
5. Other: 2
Total: 896

E. Gender-please enter the number of each group served:
1. Female: 465
2. Male: 431

Pray for the center and all those who volunteer so much time there. We encourage all those who can to visit them some time and see how mission and evangelization can be so enriching.

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Emmanuel Community, Inc
559 Pelham Manor Road
Pelham Manor, NY 10803


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