From Emmanuel to the Friars of the Renewal!

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36

A great love for the poor and a joy for life is what our brother Eric Crowley has lived as the Lord has slowly taken a hold of his whole heart.  Eric made a journey within the Emmanuel Community. He attended the Emmanuel School of Mission in Rome (2010-2011) and made the step of “welcome and discernment” in 2011. After ESM he returned to the States and joined a missionary program called “The Missioners of Christ and Faith Formation” in order to serve the poor in Honduras (Central America). This is where he has remained for the past two years.

Yet, the Lord has asked Eric for more and he has joyfully responded with a resounding “Yes!” He will soon be joining the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in New York City. The Franciscan’s “primary mission is to embrace Jesus Christ and St. Francis and commit themselves to prayer and contemplation, the study of Sacred Scripture, fidelity to the Church and the Sacraments, fraternal life, and generous service to others, especially the poor.” CFR Constitution.

We are so overjoyed for our dear brother and accompany him in our thoughts and prayers as he prepares for this great time of discernment and service to those in our own country who need the Good News of Jesus Christ!

We are united in prayer dear Eric and we look forward to corresponding with you via snail mail. God bless you and your new mission!

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