The Beautiful Body of Christ

As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, perhaps we should take some time to reflect on what the Body and Blood of our Lord means to us. Take a moment to watch this video that asks the very important question: “What do you see at Mass?”

Video taken from Chris Stefanik’s “Real Life Catholic” Youtube Channel. Published on June 16, 2014.

With the escalating persecution of Christians around the world and more specifically of Catholic Christians, we have to realize that throughout the centuries, as well as today, people die for what happens at the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass!

The bread and wine presented as gifts at the altar are turned into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The true presence of Our Lord is before us to behold and to venerate and to gaze upon and love.

Why are so many Catholics today not seeing this? Why do so many of us attend Mass without being moved? Perhaps we need to ask the Lord for this gift of the Holy Spirit of awe and wonder so that we may be in awe before the True Presence of Our Lord, as we should very well be.

Let us pray for one another during this feast of Corpus Christi, to truly witness the Lord in all His glory before us at each and every Mass, so that our desire for holiness and Heaven may grow even stronger.


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