“Proclaim God’s Marvelous deeds to all the Nations”

Thanks to the genius with which our Creator endowed the human creature, we are able to proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations! Let Him be praised for the men who invented these wondrous tools; let Him be praised too, for the mothers who bore and raised the inventors!

downloadSeveral books would not suffice to recount the wonderful deeds that I can trace in the years of my life. Take only the recent months: miles and miles of text on this screen would not tell all the marvels that the Lord has wrought for me. For He has given me all I could want, and placed me in the beautiful “Village of Larchmont”!

Day after day my soul sings His praise, as I walk along the colorful gardens, where red azaleas and pink rhododendrons blossom side by side, amidst lush green grass and mossy boulders. The sunshine paints lakes of light and plays with the shades from the tall trees. Squirrels play hide-and-seek and robins hop on the sunlit lawns. God lavishes the splendors of His creation which He once declared “good” (Gen. 8:25).

Indeed, the dogwood trees are good, with their white and pink petals hovering above the grassy plots where furry squirrels undulate. Indeed nature proclaims the goodness of the Maker of Heaven and earth. The Lord leads me to the fresh pastures, “in meadows of green grass He lets me lie.” (Ps. 23).

From each dented leaf in the graceful trees to the joyful chirps of the tiny warbler, the beauty of our God is proclaimed. As I pace along the charming Tudor homes and relish in the harmony of contours and volumes, I can feel the pleasure of the Lord, who makes His delight in the company of men. He made us in His likeness (Gen. 8:26) and the more we love, the more we resemble Him. His presents never cease to surprise us and His Wisdom, every morning, is found sitting at our doorstep.

This is why I need to proclaim His wondrous deeds. Day after day.


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