Fr. Sean Maher—Dracut, MA
Fr. Sean grew up in Ireland in County Kerry, the southwest coast of Ireland. He came to the U.S. as an adult and entered St. John’s Seminary in Boston, MA.
Fr. Sean had a typical Catholic-Irish upbringing. He prayed the rosary and Angelus every day with his family and attended Catholic school. Later he decided to major in business and studied abroad in France for one year. It was their that his faith blossomed and he began his journey in a more deep way with the Lord.
This eventually led him to learn of the Emmanuel community and discover Paray-Le-Monial and finally the Emmanuel School of Mission in Rome, which he attended.
After University, as he was discerning what he should do next, he began to discern his call to the priesthood. It was there that he decided to stay in the U.S. for his priestly formation.
Now he serves as pastor of St. Francis parish in Dracut, Massachusetts, north of Boston. He is passionate about Catholic Media and Evangelization.