Take a bunch of kids (any age, older ones can help with babies and toddlers) and a terrific sister who loves kids and Jesus. Let them together in a large basement with crafts for a few hours.
During this time, put some adults (parents and others) in front of a nice prayer corner with candles and a very nice statue of Mary; give them some prayer books and ask those who can to play some music. Praise the Lord as hard as you can.
Do not interrupt process if some kids get out of the basement and join the adults (who can multitask and praise while hugging).
Take the adults out for mass at the closest parish (the older kids went to mass the day before and stay with little ones in the basement).
Back home, ask a terrific sister to share about her community life. Mix French and English.
Give delicious food (with ketchup) to the kids and send them back to the basement.
Give delicious food to the adults (Champagne is another opportunity to praise the Lord) and let them share about their life in the US, their desire to go to Paray-le-Monial and whatever comes to their mind.
Move them back (after coffee) to the nice prayer corner, let them watch a teaching about the community commitment to our Mother Mary. Take them out again for adoration at the same closest parish. (Adults drive there, kids join later walking to use their extra energy.)
Just before leaving, ask the priest to bless the crafts made by the kids and take them back home (crafts and kids)
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit may be observed during the following hours, days, weeks… Share with friends.

Laure (DC)