Gathering approximately 50 members of the Community from Canada and the US, Laurent and Cristel Landete joined us for their final trip as Moderator (Laurent) for the Community. Laurent has given 15 years of service to the Community beginning with the local responsibility in Bordeaux before moving to regional, national and finally Moderator of the Community. There will be an election this July in France to select a new moderator.
Working with the Pope’s exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate: Call to Holiness, Laurent spoke of the Beatitudes adding many stories of his years of service. Using chapter 4 on the five pillars to leading a holy life, we were challenged to make a daily examination of conscience to keep ourselves accountable in this short life here on earth.
Some members took a step of probation into the Fraternity of Jesus and experience has shown that where there are families in the Community and members of the Fraternity of Jesus, the light of Christ burns especially bright.
From the EC in the United States there were: Emeric and Louisiane, Paul and Camille (step of Probation), Stephen and Stefania, Remi and Aleth, Fr. Sean, and Rosemary.
Rosemary (DC)