Never underestimate the power of prayer. Back from our National gathering in Atlanta, our household was on fire to find a new mission of evangelization for our community in Boston. We had few ideas in mind and we all shared our visions of what our mission should or should not be and we prayed together to discern in which direction God wanted us to go. We were thinking then it would be great to launch a mission for the young adults in Boston, maybe a Mercy Night, but it should part of a series – not a one-shot experience – to bear more fruits. What might this mean, practically, in Boston in 2019? We still had no clear idea where or when it would take place, which parish or community our mission could serve, and honestly where to start. We just knew that we really needed to pray.
Just as we were praying, we were contacted by Bridie Vail, Formation Director of Pure in Heart America in Boston. Pure in Heart is an international non-profit of young adults aged 18-35 which proclaims the virtue of chastity and the sanctity of human life around the world and offers young adult formation. The group has a prayer meeting every Thursday at Saint Clemens Eucharistic Shrine in Boston.
Bridie attended one of our Mercy Nights we organized at Saint Francis Church in Dracut last year. She was touched by this experience and just wanted to know if we could run a Mercy Night every month for Pure in Heart in America. She joined one of our households to meet us and share her request.
When we started to pray, we expected signs but once again God took us by surprise giving us the mission we were looking for! In his infinite love for us, God simply answered our prayers. The mission could start!
We had our first Mercy Night last Thursday and around 40 young adults attended.

Praise the Lord! Always!
Ingrid (Boston, MA)
Amazing! What a wonderful testimony of waiting on the Lord for his leadings and promptings for what He would have you do. United in prayer for this beautiful mission.
Praise the Lord, for He wants us to pray, and He wants to answer our prayers!
Absolutely wonderful! Amazing how clear the Lord is! What a joy to be evangelizing together! We pray for great fruits!