How blessed were we to be spiritually united with all the members of the Emmanuel Community throughout the world on this day, the birthday of the Church!
The furthest contingency drove all night from Michigan to spend the weekend together in Community. Twenty-two adults and eighteen children gathered for times of praise and song, teaching and pilgrimage, BBQ and swimming.
Led in praise and song by the children, we began on Saturday morning and then took notes during a teaching on Mercy given by Stephen and Stefania Rawson. After a BBQ luncheon and dip in the swimming pool, we celebrated mass in honor of Saint Matthias before jumping in our cars to pilgrim to the Cathedral in Allentown to walk through the Holy Door of Mercy. Surprise, surprise: confession was available in church to allow for the indulgence!
After some ice cream to celebrate, the children gathered to learn about Chiara Luce’s life before hearing a teaching on the presence of the Holy Spirit given by Gabriel Leblond. Meanwhile the adults were able to separate into small groups to be prayed over and have personal prayer time. The evening program was simple: be in God’s presence. We welcomed Eric Oulai as a new member of the Community while others renewed their commitment to the Community for one year. All night adoration was well attended with some of the children begging their parents to wake them up to join them in prayer for one hour!

We attended mass at Saint Thomas More Church before concluding with praise and a specific prayer of outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the children. The wrap-up session was led by Alejandra Correa, Isabelle de Fleurac and Patricia Figurski who gave us concrete ideas on how to be Emmanuel in our daily activities. It was a very welcome booster shot of graces for all and these graces will surely flow out to you who are reading these few lines!
Amen. Alleluia.
Written by Rosemary (PA)
See a video summary of the weekend:
All that we planned and prayed for came through: mass on Saturday, overnight adoration, prayer for outpouring of the Holy Spirit over children, and even a dip in the pool, despite very cold water. Praise be to God who provided everything!