On Friday, March 20, 2015, a Mercy Night was organized at my parish, the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. The evening began with two personal testimonies on the power of confession and Eucharistic adoration, one of which was offered by Daniel Petersen, a third year theologian to be ordained to the diaconate this May for the Archdiocese of Newark. Following the testimonies, the Lord was exposed on the altar and confessions were heard throughout the Cathedral. Fr. Dominique de Lafforest and Fr. Frank Prima drove from Larchmont to support this mission and many other brothers and sisters joined us in prayer. Music was provided by the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Newark, the Sisters of Saint John and a lay student from Seton Hall University.

The faithful were invited to come before the Lord and lay their intentions in the “Worry Box” and receive a Scripture passage from the “Joy Box,” as well as the availability of a Mercy Group led by Hubert and Nathalie Vielle-Cessay, together with others who joined them in prayer and discernment. The evening ended with Eucharistic Benediction and a time of socialization. In a brief sharing session with my brother seminarians, they all seemed to be very touched by the simplicity and power of the evening. So much so, that they have been inspired to bring Mercy Nights to other parishes in the Archdiocese of Newark! Considering the unexpected snow-storm, over 75 people were in attendance and they are looking forward to the next Mercy Night planned for this coming Advent.

Written by: Lynx (NJ)