Dear brothers and sisters,
Our local Emmanuel Community here in north Georgia have organized a Holy Door Pilgrimage for the Jubilee of Mercy with one of the parishes in our area on Saturday, October 29, 2016. We will begin the day with mass, have a 2.3 mile walk to the Monastery of the Holy Spirit (a local Trappist monastery), lunch, praise, a small teaching/testimony, and a time of adoration and confessions, with the opportunity to walk through the Holy Doors. Find more info here:

We are really excited about this beautiful mission and we are praying for many graces for the day and even more fruits! We would LOVE to have the support of all of our brothers and sisters! Please pray for us as we continue to prepare. Please pray for hearts to be open to God’s call to this pilgrimage. Please pray for abundant fruits! AND, we want to invite you to come and be part of our team for this little mission, which joins adoration, compassion, and evangelization, our three pillars. We have seven people in our household, and while we trust that God can give us all the graces we need for this mission, more brothers and sisters is always a joy, a grace, and a huge support!!
Thank you so much for being on mission with us!
United in prayer,
Pablo and Anne (GA)