When the MN community gathered in December, it was an occasion to join with the brothers and sisters around the world in reconsecrating ourselves to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. On the same day that the international leadership and many more were gathered in Paray-le-Monial, France, the village where Jesus asked for devotion to his Sacred Heart, to pray the consecration prayer, the MN members of the Emmanuel Community were at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in West St. Paul to pray the consecration.
In addition to praying the consecration prayer, a few tributes to Mary occurred. Everyone was invited to bring Marian images and icons to adorn the area in front of the altar. As you can see from the photos, Mary was well honored. The children also made “tilmas” in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego, whose feast day was the day prior.

Heather (MA)
Awesome! Love what you did with the kids!