Our precious baby girl was born on Jan. 9, 2016! Her name is Teresa DuTeau! We picked out her name after doing a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux for her feast day! When we found out we were having a baby girl, were having a hard time picking a name. For this reason, we decided to do a novena to St. Therese to help us discern on the name (since one of our potential names was Teresa!). While doing the novena, I was visiting a friend who has 3 kids. When I was leaving, the kids ran outside and brought me flowers to say bye to me. This is how we knew our baby should be called Teresa! We picked the Spanish spelling of the name because we are a bilingual family, and also, Teresa was the name of my great-grandmother!
Teresa weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was born at 1:02 PM!! We are totally in love with her! We are so thankful to the Lord for choosing us to be the parents of this precious girl! Pray for us to help us raise her to be the woman God imagined her to be! PRAISE HIM FOR THIS NEW LIFE!

These are truly great photographs! You all look great, but of course Teresa is the best! Congratulations!
What a precious gift and a beautiful family!