This year that marks the 100th anniversary of Fatima apparition the Emmanuel Community celebrates a…
In the northern hemisphere, September is the month of first times. The very first time…
Today first reading depicts a heavy hearted Saint Paul harshly redressing the Galatian community of Christians (Galatians 3:1-5). For years, Saint Paul…
The Hour of Mercy The hour has come, from so long away Another lifetime has…
Just a little something for the ladies! Read this online magazine when you want a…
In 1671, a young girl from the region of Borgogne, France by the name of…
As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, perhaps we should take some…
As I sat by the brook, watching the crystal water rapidly flow over stones and…
Thanks to the genius with which our Creator endowed the human creature, we are able…