Pastor in-solidum at Maternity of Mary Catholic Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a parish which has been entrusted to the Emmanuel Community by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul

Pastor in-solidum at Maternity of Mary Catholic Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a parish which has been entrusted to the Emmanuel Community by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul
We are not our stuff. We’ve all probably heard this, but it’s good to get an occasional reminder. When we attach our value as human beings to external things – like wealth,…
We are sad to share the news that Phillip Patet, twin brother to our brother Sam, passed away on 3 October, 2022. His obituary and tribute wall can be found here. From the…
Our brother, Serge (from Texas) , is asking for our prayers. His brother, Richard, passed away on Thursday and his other brother, Jean-Pierre, has been in a coma for a month. Let…
Enchanted April is my favorite movie: it is the sunny story of four British ladies who share a vacation rental and find happiness (and more) in an Italian castle. Our community weekend…
For a long time, bare and stiff branches stood Like dry firewood. Dark wintry months dragged and went ; No sign of life on the pear-tree. And yet we knew : Days…
The passing brook is my friend who bubbles and muses without end down and down upon the rocks. The passing brook has much to say yet I need not keep in mind…
We invite you to join us for A Heart on Fire, a young adult retreat sponsored by the Emmanuel Community’s YA Committee for the United States. We will spend Memorial Day weekend…
I used to have one of those car magnets. It was bright and flowery, but snow and rain finally got the best of it and I had to throw it out. Nevertheless,…
“April is the cruelest month” or so said T.S. Eliot. Personally, I think March is chock full of challenges. Just look out the window. This is the time of year when winter…
Some people like Valentine’s Day. Others see it as nothing more than a hallmark holiday created to sell cards, flowers and chocolates, and promote the restaurant business. Maybe it is, but I…
The Emmanuel Community in Washington, D.C. is hosting a Love and Truth Seminar this coming January and February. The seminar is a free apostolate of the Emmanuel Community which is designed to…
Last Tuesday, Fr. Lynx Soliman began hosting the School of Adoration workshop for his parishioners at Saint Aloysius Church in Caldwell, New Jersey. The workshop will be hosted in the Church every…
Update on morning praise: We have been praising DAILY since December and would love to invite others to join for these 15 minutes of Community praise. We are now using Signal, so…
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways—oracle of the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your…
“Life is a poem” Life is a poem. The word « poetry » reads inadequate. Yet I use it , as I am longing to express the “well-being” , the feeling of being just…
Five years after the publication of the Apostolic Letter Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis, an exceptional year of Amoris Laetitia has been adopted this year. On this occasion, Véronique and Benoît Rabourdin,…
After two long years marked by the pandemic, the Washington DC Emmanuel Community members, together with those from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania gathered in Philadelphia for a 2 days retreat. Fr. Phillippe…