Fidesco Celebrates 40 Years of Service

Responding to the appeal of some African bishops in 1980, Pierre Goursat, the founder of the Emmanuel Community, asks for the creation of Fidesco, Fides(faith)Co(cooperation)  to allow volunteers to go and to serve their sisters and brothers in the southern hemisphere. Since then this commitment has been reinforced as it is even more necessary today.  Among the volunteers there is a great diversity of professional profiles: teachers, engineers, medical and paramedical people, business people, social workers, agronomists to name a few!

The three pillars of Fidesco, faith, development and a school of life create a foundation that assists well over 80% of our volunteers to complete their time of service in international solidarity in humanitarian and development.

On this anniversary year, Fidesco has served over fifty destinations thanks to the generous service of 2000 volunteers since 1980. While taking all the necessary safety and health measures into account, there are volunteers currently in the field adapting their work to keep everyone safe and to keep the mission engaged.

Do you have a desire for Mission work in a developing country? Let’s talk! Fidesco recruits, trains, and sends volunteers to under-served areas of the world for one or two year missions. They offer their professional skills fostering full human development regardless of religion, ethnicity or culture. Volunteers may participate as individuals, as couples, and even as families, and are sent in teams. This fall 92 new volunteers will join those already in the field taking their skill sets to serve the poor and maybe you will be next to go for summer 2021! Send an email to

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